Governing Body

Strong governance is an essential element in achieving our aim of outstanding academies. We develop and support our governing bodies so that they can competently discharge their three core strategic functions:


The relationship between each academy and the trust is clearly defined through Terms of Reference and a schedule of delegation. It provides clear lines of responsibility and accountability and helps governors on LGBs focus on what really matters – performance and achievement in the classroom.

We also expect our governors to uphold and promote the trust’s 9 core values.

We have a structured approach to holding governance reviews that show what governors are doing well and identify the support and training that they need.

Our induction training provides all governors with a clear idea of what good governance means to the trust and how they can fulfil this important role.


Trust Committes and their Chairs:

Board: Michael R Parish

Audit Committee: Roger E Quince

Remuneration Committee: John F Smith